Christ Church Cathedral
In the northwest section of downtown Ottawa, on Sparks Street, lies this historic Anglican cathedral with its welcoming vibrant red doors. Since 1833, Christ Church Cathedral has been serving the people and has been developing a long, rich history. For the full details, just click here. "Come all who are weary and heavy laden" (Matthew 11:28) is the Cathedral's motto, and this they have upheld true for 178 years. There are many other fine details about the interior I'd like to show you (and I'd like to see for myself!) so hopefully one day soon I'll be able to get back to this very special place.
I adore churches that do things like this. The red doors are stunning!
It is pretty, and I like the color and the details too.
I have to look around in Stavanger, but I don`t think many doors have a nice bright and welcoming color like this.... I might be wrong?
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